Thanks for visiting this blog. I am Franciscan missionary, coming from Croatia and live in distant part of central Kenya, in the village of Subukia. Distant from everything these days except from the internet. It's great how new technology is spreading through the world - so, today I can have a blog through which I can share with you my mission here in Kenya. Here I run St Anthony Small Home orphanage, I also run St. Francis Secondary School for poor children and Health Center as the only medical help for people in this remote area.
But let me first tell you about the Small Home...
This is a happy story about the kids living in this orphanage. Some of them are real orphans who had lost their parents due to extremely difficult conditions of poverty. But most of the children were neglected by their parents and left to die because they were born with physical or mental disabilities. Unfortunately this is very often issue in Africa. We usually find them by the road, hided in the bushes or nearby the churches. But coming to Small Home they became part of our big family. They have their own bed, daily meal and if they can they attend the school. Their lives are worth. Amen
If you want to know more about life in Small Home visit us sometimes on this blog and be our friend. I will try to transfer you our everyday joy. Thanx
... and St Francis school
Apart from Small Home, there is another job waiting for me every day, my bigger project and my huge battle - and that is St. Francis Secondary School for poor children. Two hundred and fifty students at the moment and even more of them praying to be accepted to the school.
Ok, I am boasting a little bit, but students from my school are known as the best dancers in this area. Our club where we dance is actually Sunday Mass where we gather together, celebrate Lord through dancing, drums and loud singing... veeeery loud.
... and the projects
All my work here relies on donations of good people. But please, if you came reading up to here, don't quit now. It is true, I am begging all the time, on every place, wherever I am. This is the only way this mission can survive. If one day you get up and decide you want to do give your contribution and become part of this mission you are welcome any time.
I started some donation projects, it is about small amounts. I am sure that a lot of us together giving just a little bit can make big changes.
If you want and if you can, join me in the project ”Friends with Small Home” and wear our friendship bracelet or become ”The Godfather” to one student for one month. We can make big moves together.
So thanks once more for visiting this blog and don't forget to come again. Cheers!
fr Miro Babic ofm
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With the kids from Small Home and volunteers... |
Pozdrav iz Zadra! Svaka čast na hrabrosti i ustrajnosti, fra Miro, samo tako naprijed. Ja čekam odgovor na FB za narukvice, a jednom prilikom, kad budem u boljoj financijskoj situaciji, zasigurno ću pomoći i više. :)